Monday, August 4, 2008

Best home treatment for acne scars and what to eat to treat acne

Acne is caused by a multitude of reasons. It mostly erupts on the face and the neck but at times also afflicts the back, chest and shoulders. Although it is not a skin condition that can hamper health in a serious way, it is considered a social stigma as it can leave scars for life.
Realize that acne is not going to be treated with one method alone. The best acne treatments are the old "one-two punch", or the "1-2-3-4-5-6 punch".
Acne develops as a result of blockages in oil pore follicles. Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) is the anaerobic bacterium that causes acne. Acne is the visible end result of hormonal, bacterial and inflammatory disturbances that take place around the oil pore. It is frequently seen as red spots and pustules around the face but can also cover the back, neck, shoulders and chest.
tags: anti aging, birth control and acne medicine, cystic acne treatment while pregnant

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