Thursday, July 3, 2008

Natural acne treatment and skin care treatment for adult acne

As a consequence even if you are going to treat your acne using home remedies it may be wise to visit a dermatologist so as to find out what skin type you have. The advantages of home remedies are many - one it is less expensive and two you have less possibilities of side effects.
Treating acne naturally is not impossible. Natural treatment means no side effects and the effectiveness of natural herbs and ingredients is not necessarily lower when compared to other conventional acne medication. But for a natural herbs to work on you acne effectively you should know what works on your acne. This articles aims to inform you about how to treat your acne using garlic.
Like other forms of acne, cystic acne is caused by an excess of sebum that clogs the pores of the skin. The acne develops small cysts or nodules of inflammation. These cysts are larger and more painful than a regular acne pimple, and are pus-filled. Specific factors that may cause cystic acne are:
tags: birth control pills and acne prevention, what can i put on my face to remove acne, best vitamins for acne

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